Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Gay man and the woman problem, what is to be done

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Many people blame straight men for homophobia, as they tend to be the most bellicose and biting about it, but few realize that it is likely women who are the cause of homophobia.  We know that in primitive times many men are bisexual and sleep with both women and young adult males.  Before women get rights, they have to tolerate this situation and the competition from teenage males; this was common in ancient Greece.  If men are in control, this is the way it goes along, but as soon as women get a say, they make it known they don't want their husbands sleeping with other men.  In ancient times at least, men wanted children, and that meant giving their wives preference over their male lovers, so when the women became powerful enough to make an issue out of their homosexual endeavors, the men gave it up.  A young homosexual man can find a supposedly "straight" married man to sleep with any day of the week, gay dating apps are literally drenched with men married to women who are looking for gay sex on the side.  If there were no need to keep women quiet so that their wombs may be used, I suspect that many if not more than 50% of men would be bisexual to some degree or another. Men are not fully expressing their latent homosexuality because they want to please women who they need for reproduction.  Secrecy and adultery with other men has become the staple of the so-called "straight" married man, this is a disgusting situation and is not fair to the man, to the woman, or to gay men in general.  

The problem with women goes deeper than this though.  Most converts in Europe to Islam are women.  Islam limits women in ways that men would never accept if the stakes were in reverse.  Women in droves willingly enter misogynistic religions that demand they are lesser, they uphold these religions with their subservience and the service of their wombs, and they do this with desire.  The other percentage of women who do not enter into these anti-woman cults, nonetheless make excuses for these cults and their practitioners. In the West today it is not common for feminists to attack Islam as being anti-feminist, instead much effort is put in by women to rehabilitate the image of Islam as being pro-woman and a force for women's rights.  If 50% of women convert to anti-female cults, the other 50% make excuses for them and legitimize their choice.  Women naturally cave into oppression, if someone comes up with something that is oppressive of women, women will join it.  Women cannot be trusted to preserve their own freedom and so they are dangerous because they allow themselves to become the wombs of illiberal movements.  Women uphold straight male abuse by tolerating and submitting to it, and they generally submit the most to the most brutal regiments against them.  The worse the man, the more woman will give of herself to him.  Women thus make sure the worst of the men stay in power.  Women shun the nice guy who gives her power and freedom and run into the arms of the religionist who abuses her.  Being kind and open with women is a death sentence for society as as soon as they get the freedom they stop breeding in numbers and only seek to open the gate to anti-woman barbarians. Anti-female and anti-gay are often linked, and so woman's foolishness in courting misogynistic powers is paid for by gay men as well. 

Without women, at least in our age, there is no reproduction and no next generation.  Women know this and hold it against society.  All they need to do to destroy society is to stop breeding and allow non-feminist cultures to move in. At this time, the idea of dislodging women from power is untenable, at least not immediately.  The agenda is eventually a woman-free world where children are born of artificial wombs and artificial eggs.  But that will take some time to invent.  So what do we do as gay men in the meanwhile, gay men who wish to reproduce and gain reproductive control over society?  First, we have to realize that except for the brave few, most gay men should not openly go around saying they want to replace women and make an all-male society.  Instead, we should be seeking out women and surrogates for our children.  We don't need to tell them what we are doing or why, we just need to purchase their wombs.  We also need to encourage women in feminist societies where there are gay rights and liberal culture to start reproducing again, even though the gains in this direction will be little because women with freedom want to do other things besides reproduce, however, still every little bit helps.  Gay men who are hiding the fact that they are homosexists should make alliances with women to form a female-gay coalition to breed... giving women the opportunity to be cared-for mothers without the need to submit to a straight man. Generally, gay men and women are on good rapport because we are both persecuted minorities and so a breeding allegiance could be made on this... a chance for women to have families while still remaining single. We must induct them into a cult to outbreed straight men, the prospect of a more female-friendly world needs to be offered. 

In the end, women are very dangerous.  They make poor choices that limit their freedom and prop up conservative traditionalist institutions, and even when they are liberal, they always have some way to explain away the malevolent behavior of those who oppress women.  If things were left up to women, liberal people would all stop breeding until the conservatives took over and imposed their anti-gay regime.  Women's wombs need to be rented out, there is really no other way to pick up the birth rate, women with freedom usually don't want fecundity unless they have submitted to a subjugating cult.  Gay men need to find ways to navigate women so that those who can be manipulated are used for our cause. If gay men start renting out women's wombs, then perhaps straight men who can't control them any longer will do the same, and thus we can mainstream non-traditional breeding systems.  Women should be shown that they can make a lot of money and have a lot of power by simply selling their wombs rather than getting married. 

The ultimate goal again is to phase women out with scientific replacement wombs and eggs, but also it needs to be stated that these technologies might never happen and so plans must be set on how to manage women as things progress. For now, we need to get the whole society into womb renting, gay men and straight men, to break down the heterosexual monogamous family order. However, once we find a way to gain greater power then women will have to be separated from men in some way, in their own colonies, so as to prevent heterosexuality and woman's general influence... once this is all possible with our greater numbers through breeding.

1 comment:

  1. While the matriarchy wants to turn the West into a bee colony, you want to turn the West into a gay colony.


Gay Militant - Table of Contents

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