Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Laws of Gay Militancy

 Table of Contents

Vincent Bruno

Gay Supremacy or Gay Militancy, what is the difference?

A gay militant is not a gay supremacist. If gay men were supreme we would control absolutely everything on earth, when we do, then we can call ourselves supreme, and that is what we have to work for, but first, we have a lot of weaknesses we need to overcome. A gay militant is a gay man who hopes to one day be supreme, but who knows that takes work on himself and the world, and who is ready to struggle to become supreme, not just state he is, and only claim his supremacy once he has totally won and there is not an ounce of opposition left on the earth, then he can call himself supreme. To say you are supreme when you are not in absolute rulership is stupid and dangerous, it gives you a false sense of security that you are innately better and so will win, you already think you are the best without even having proved it, you more or less think you are great as you are and are not looking to change very much, the number of your weaknesses don't seem to be crowding your mind, your not preoccupied with everything you must work on, everything you must fix, all the reasons why you are not in absolute power, you have an undeserved sense of confidence, you don't let yourself feel a deep sense of fear which is very motivating, you are not desperate, and to some degree, you have comfort in the way things are because you are not as mentally affected... the pain is not extreme and so you are not constantly working to alleviate it, you have time for other things. A militant on the other hand is very aware of the fact that he is not supreme because if he was supreme there would be no need for militancy because there would be no opposition, let alone the opposition being in power. A militant is very aware of the fact that he must change to overcome his situation, that he must become something that he is not now, he must obtain qualities and traits and ways of thinking and living that are not in him innately, tools and ideas that he lacks. The enemy is in power because they have powers you lack, you have to admit that and seek to absorb their powers without absorbing their negative traits. The militant will admit inherent flaws and weaknesses that have put him in his place and if he can't fix them he will work around them by overcompensating in other areas. The militant is not overconfident and does feel fear, they know very well that they have been in a low state for a very long time and this could continue if they fail their mission, there is a sense of urgency and fear that motivates them... supremacists feel good enough drinking with his friends and puffing themselves up with words while the militant does not feel comfortable unless he is doing something to further the cause, the militant, unlike the supremacist, has more motivation to work, they are panicked and agitated. These writings are not about gay supremacy now but the possibility of that in the future. I think a sense of supremacy would only hinder the homosexualist cause, we need gay militancy instead.

The Most Heterosexual Thing On Earth

In these writings you will read a lot about Judaism.  All traditionalist religions are homophobic, even more tolerant sects like Hinduism.  Anything based in the primitive past is based in heterosexuality as heterosexuals rule in primitive times.  While some of these traditions have good advice, they are mostly detrimental and stupid mysticism, and anything detrimental and stupid will always be anti-homosexual, particularly anti-male homosexual, and anti-male homosexuality can be found in all these traditions' writings and professed by their prestigious figures, and homosexual males are hated more than lesbians or transvestites, we are the greatest threat. All of these traditionalisms must go and be replaced by homosexual social applications. However Orthodox Judaism is not only particularly heterosexual, it is also the enemy which has the most to teach us as it is the most powerful and clever.  You will find here that I contrast gay militancy with Orthodox Judaism but also integrate its practices and ideas into my own ideology. I will do this with other religions too, especially the daughters of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, but Judaism as I said has the most to teach and so I will usually focus on that. 

The Noahide Laws - Everyone knows that the Jewish Old Testament calls specifically for the death penalty for sodomite men (but not lesbians or transvestites or men who engage in oral sex only).  But these Mosaic codes are only for Jews and do not apply to non-Jews living outside the land of Israel.  However there is a set of Jewish laws which come from the Babylonian Talmud that do apply to non-Jews worldwide, they are the Noahide Laws.  They are called the Noahide Laws because they were given in their completion to Noah, who is the progenitor of all humans living today, and so they are binding upon all non-Jews still, but not Jews who now live under the Mosaic Code which was give to Israel at Mount Sinai and only applies to them.  There are seven of these Noahide Laws and they are as follows:

1. No Idolatry: specifically no hard polytheism, other spiritual practices in paganism are also banned like divination and astrology.  Soft polytheism (shituf in Judaism) may or may not be tolerated.  What is never tolerated is that god took shape, god entered the physical world as a physical being, that may never happen and to worship any god in any physical form, even the god of Israel, is idolatry. 

2. No Blasphemy - You may not curse god or defame anything Jewish.

3. No Sodomy or Adultery - Specifically male gay sodomy and adultery are outlawed along with incest, bestiality, and rape.  Lesbianism, transvestism, premarital heterosexual sex, prostitution, gay oral sex, and polygamy are allowed.  A married male may sleep with any unmarried woman he wishes but his wife may not practice adultery with a man. A Jew, however, may sleep with the wife of any non-Jew without penalty. 

4. No Murder - A non-Jew may not murder a non-Jew or a Jew but a Jew may murder a non-Jew without physical penalty. 

5. No Theft - A non-Jew may not steal from a non-Jew or a Jew but a Jew may steal from a non-Jew without penalty. 

6. Do not eat the flesh cut from a living animal - this includes eating animals alive which happens in many countries today. This also prohibits the consumption of lab-cloned meat (a cell was torn from a living animal to make the meat).

7. Set up state courts to enforce all seven of these laws and punish transgressors - the maximum penalty for the breaking of any of these laws is decapitation.  The 7th law of setting up courts also applies and societies that do not uphold courts are warred upon and the males are killed en mass. 

From these seven laws, I bounce off and try to explain the opposite order.  These seven laws and the two-tier system they implement (one law for Jews, one law for non-Jews) is really one of the most heterosexual things are earth and define heterosexuality.  It is also the most opposite thing of homosexuality that you can find on the earth today. 

Laws To Live By

If the Noahide Laws are heterosexual and the opposite of what a homosexual order would be then what is a homosexual order?  There would be as many definitions of a homosexual order as there are homosexuals if they each defined it. The Noahide Laws create a certain society, a society of monotheistic, non-blasphemous, non-homosexual people who accept they are not protected from theft and murder from Jews and who would rat each other out for so much as saying "Zeus is god". The Noahide Laws are a social application to create a certain kind of world.  Well, I think we need a set of rules to create a homosexual order, or at least one as I define it. Here they are:

1. Use unnaturalism to advance, prefer unnaturalism, overcome nature, glorify what has been created by man outside of nature, but make it as least harmful and most beneficial as possible to nature.  Homophobes claim homosexuality is unnatural... it happens in nature with animals, so to a degree it is natural, but sodomy specifically uses the body in ways it was not designed for, and so the act of sodomy specifically marks the homosexual man as unnatural in a sense. Yes, the homosexual is marked by what is unnatural.  Almost all advancements in human endeavors are unnatural: medicine, technology, engineering, the creation of man-made chemical compounds, ect.  Yes, some of these advancements have created environmental problems but these can be altered and also they were not created sound in the first place because they were coming out of a heterosexual culture which is based in the natural order (and thus the primitive order) and they did not know how to properly harness the unnatural or dispose of its waste.  Even if it is impossible to venture into what is unnatural without damaging nature, the negative effects can be minimized and new technology can be created to repair the damage. The unnatural has helped man escape the cruelty of heterosexual nature, nature is stupid and cruel, just like heterosexuals... what is unnatural, and therefore homosexual, has saved us from this.  In this case, homosexuals should embrace the nature-friendly unnatural world and unnatural advancement of human beings.  Civilized conditions are unnatural and the homosexual thrives best in civilized conditions, and so he must strive for all the unnatural things (within environmental reasons) that will help him advance.  The homosexual should be the first to pick up unnatural genetic engineering in this way so as to improve himself and his own people.  What is unnatural will help the homosexual if he uses it right and will harm the natural heterosexual order... the further we are away from the harsh stupidity of nature (without harming nature much), the better off things will be for homosexuals and the less society will fall into heterosexual hands.

2. Only non-supernaturalist or hard polytheist philosophies are permitted; no monotheism, no soft polytheism, no dualism, no monistic pantheism, or anything that could lead to moral absolutism.  Heterosexuals usually want one god with all the authority so they can create unbreakable rules and only one order for all of humanity that cannot be repealed, an order that is beyond question. In non-theism or in hard polytheism, there is not one main god who determines morality and so there is moral relativism.  To have one set of stagnant static morality is not homosexual.  Homosexuals want to question and innovate in morality, not just obey like automatons, they may have personal convictions that fly in the face of the general moral order and want to create their own system. Homosexuals are less likely to just blindly obey a central and unquestionable authority that is always right.  The homosexual knows he is not always right so he is less likely to see a god that is always right, heterosexuals are much more arrogant and autocratic and want a god who resembles their nature more.  Non-theism and hard polytheism create moral fluidity so that the homosexual may choose from different moral systems or create his own.  This will be very important to the project of Beyondism. 

3. Non-orthodox and non-dogmatic Beyondism.  Beyond is a philosophical system created by the award-winning psychologist Raymond B . Cattell.  Cattell's vision was that humanity would break up into different ethnostates with their own genes and cultures which worked in tandem.  Each geno-culture would run their society on their own terms.  All societies would assess every other society's genes and cultures and determine what was useful and what was detrimental, they would then include what was beneficial to their own culture and remove what was not working. That is the crux of Beyondism, though Cattell gave many precepts to help us accomplish this Beyondism set of societies, not all of it is useful and so I promote a non-orthodox and non-dogmatic approach to this theory.  For example, Cattell was anti-homosexual and wanted to find a way to get rid of it.  Just because some of his ideas were not great does not mean he did not have some points, and I would say he had more points than errors.  Cattell was very afraid of Catholicism because it is a universal ethic, one centralized religion for all that reduced ethical and cultural diversity and also breaks down barriers between to maintaining racial bloodlines by removing cultural diversity and so making different people from different places more likely to intermarry.  Intermarriage is in no way prohibited or discouraged in Beyonidism, in fact, it is promoted in order to make new geno-cultures, but in order to do hybridization experiments of genes and cultures we need the original genetic and cultural stock to draw from.  We do need isolated breeding populations to be unique in order to cross them, we cannot destroy all cultures and races, or then no further hybridization schemes can be done.  A universal religion like Catholicism has no agenda to preserve bloodlines and cultures and so this universalims left alone destroys genetic and ethical diversity and thus is a threat to the Beyondist system.  I take this a step further and share terror for all of monotheism as monotheism is just the mother of Catholicism. This is why we must ban monotheism and only allow ideological systems that promote moral and cultural relativism. Learn more about Beyondism (here).

4. Artificial womb technology and egg production, eugenics, and genetic engineering.  Heterosexuals rule the earth because they can reproduce, they hold the power of creation; when the child is born it belongs to the heterosexuals and is raised by them.  Heterosexuals socialize all children on earth.  Heterosexuals are also in charge of who marries whom, they control the genetic destiny of the human race, and heterosexuals are the worst at producing quality population.  Heterosexuals arrange their marriages not based on eugenics, but marry each other out of love and emotion and not based in biology.  Just look at the human race, the heterosexual system of random and haphazard breeding has created a wicked and sickly race in every way, mentally, physically, emotionally, and otherwise.  Heterosexuals make terrible choices when it comes to breeding and this right must be taken out of their hands.  Homosexuals will not have any dominion on the earth until they can breed themselves scientifically without women.  This would necessitate artificial wombs and artificial eggs.  These must be invented very quickly and every homosexual should contribute something to that cause, even if it is only popularizing it. Homosexuals necessarily must plan their births, it cannot happen by accident under negative influences like alcohol or rape.  If we are planning our births we can choose the best DNA to use.  While we are at it we can genetically engineer our children to make them the best and brightest. With artificial wombs, we could reproduce in mass and faster than the heterosexuals.  Our increased intelligence and abilities would help us have a competitive edge over them.  We would start with psychological warfare to tame them, finding ways to reduce their breeding rates.  Once we outnumber them we can herd them into colonies where they would remain, banned from breeding until they die, the women should be sterilized.  However we must be practical, we don't know how long it will take to create artificial wombs and eggs, and we must not lose the precious homosexual DNA we have now.  For the time we must resort to surrogacy, not letting the woman know what we are up to.  We should also not have daughters unless it becomes necessary as raising them would make are partial to them, making it hard to get rid of them, and it could be hard to hide all this from them, and if they did find out, they might turn against us in vengeance knowing we are working to eliminate them. Daughters would only be produced if high quality women were not available for egg harvest anymore because heterosexuals have ruined their gene pool before we were able to get our eugenics program running, but that is an emergency. 

5. Incest. The need for direct reproductive incest will disappear once we have artificial wombs and genetic engineering, but even then elements of it may remain and incestuous relationships within families would still be encouraged.  Incest is such a sticky topic among humans, but it is not a sticky topic among animal breeders.  How do you create a unique breed of dog or cat that has unusual traits that no other dog or cat has?  In order to create a standardized breed of dog you need to resort to some degree of incest.  A unique set of traits may appear in an animal that you want to keep and amplify, if you breed the animal with a nonrelative the more likely it is that these unique traits will disappear, but if you mate it with a brother or sister, the more likely the traits will remain and be amplified.  Now that being said, animal breeders creating new breeds do not rely 100% on incest, there is a degree to which it is practiced so that unique traits are kept and amplified but outbreeding happens often enough to keep the population healthy and not overly inbred. What would be the point of incest in humans?  The point of incest in humans would be the same as in animals, and that is to create a standardized breed where all the members of that family look almost exactly alike and are more likely to have the same temperament as each other. By creating standard breeds of humans we can create reliable types of people that society can count on to be more of a stable social group that remains present in society over time and their habits can become more predictable.  With more predictable groups of people, it becomes easier to raise them, educate them, and create a tailored program to help them get through their lives.  Also, families that behave the same are better able to raise their children as they understand them and everyone is more likely to get along as adults if there is a similar spin to all of their personalities.  This would create more stable families and a more stable society.  When science becomes advanced enough we can fuse two related sperms from two related men into one egg, or we can just rely on cloning and genetic engineering to create standard breeds, but until then we must break down the barriers to incest in mainstream society and normalize it, so that not only can incestuous fetal production be undertaken but also so that incestuous families start to grow and incubate their own unique genetic breeds of humans with their own family culture.  Beyondism, instead of applied to nation-states, can also be applied to incestuous tribes that have created a unique family culture. Creating incestuous families would actually make tribes even more related to each other and cultures even more refined than would Beyondism on a national level.  Maybe in the future Gay State there will be no separate nations only separate tribes, if that is possible... whatever works will be undertaken but a tribe-based Beyondism before a state-based Beyondism could be employed.  However, this is not to say that everyone must be inbred.  We need crossbreeds and hybrids and quarter breeds and all of that, we need to experiment with our genetic paints once they have been split into their different colors.  We must also produce unique humans who have no inbred traits, we don't know what we will need and we need to prepare for everything.  But at least some people on earth need be of specified breeds and of families with an incubated isolated culture.

6. Suicide Rights.  Heterosexuals bring children into this world, without their will, create a horrible life for them, and don't allow them to leave by making suicide illegal.  Of course, homosexuals will also be bringing children into this world without their consent, but first, we will bring them in in much better conditions so hopefully they will be happy, also we would not rob them of their right to leave the earth if we have made things accidentally too messed up for them.  It is cruel to ruin someone and then insist they live.  Or, perhaps, some children of homosexuals will simply not like the world we have created or are creating.  People who are unhappy in our world are very dangerous, they will become revolutionaries and dissidents.  If heterosexuals would legalize suicide millions of gay men would disappear, they hate the world the heterosexuals have created and would prefer to leave.  If we are in control, those who hate our world would want to disappear, and they would.  This way we can keep the population on our side and prevent uprisings.

7. No murder of loyal homosexuals.  No gay or straight person can kill another gay militant without consequences.  

8. No theft from loyal homosexuals. No gay or straight person can thieve from another gay militant without consequences. 

9. Harm animals and the environment as least as possible. This law could not have been written as "be kind to animals".  Eating animals is not kind, experimenting on animals is not kind, keeping certain kinds of animals in cages is not kind, and inventing synthetic medicines that will leach out into the environment through wastewater and mutate fishes and frogs is not good to the environment.  There is very little we can do that does not harm the environment or animals in any way, even a vegan lifestyle necessitates ripping up the ground and killing animals and destroying their homes.  We cannot be totally kind to animals, but we can try to minimize our harm to them and the environment.  Obviously, this law is left to the most interpretations because any hard and fast rules would cause conflict.

10. Blasphemy. The government is to blaspheme all belief systems, gods, and ideologies that are anti-homosexual either explicitly or by implicit nature, by extension they encourage the population to disavow these ideologies.  It is not mandatory to blaspheme unless you have been accused of thought crime, such as being a monotheist, then you must blaspheme before judges and witnesses to prove your innocence or else you are punished. 

11. Egg DNA replacement and inbreeding without resorting to breeding daughters. We are looking to inbreed to create genetic strains of humans, fine breeds.  The best way and fastest is to breed father to daughter, if we like a man and want to amplify his qualities we breed him to his daughter and then his grandaughter.  But we don't want daughters. So how do we inbreed this way now without artificial wombs and artificial eggs?  It should now be possible to replace the DNA in an egg from one woman with another.  We would take a woman's egg now and fertilize it with an X chromosome from a man and produce a female embryo.  We would take the DNA from this embryo and insert it into another fresh egg.  The original female embryo could then be discarded.  From the new inbred daughter DNA now in the fresh egg, we could go on to create an inbred son or continue inbreeding more daughters down the line to amplify the effects of inbreeding. For now the fertilized eggs would be inserted into a surrogate until the artificial womb is created, and then when the artificial egg is created, we can totally dismiss the need for women. 

12. The abolition of women or plans for if that is not possible.  If we want to get rid of heterosexuality completely we need to get rid of women.  Hopefully, we can invent artificial eggs and artificial wombs and then we will have no need for women.  Until that time we should use surrogacy to grow in numbers. However, if it becomes obvious artificial wombs cannot be invented nor artificial eggs, then we must have a plan to keep women.  The first option would be to genetically engineer a woman who has no waking consciousness, only automatic neural movement.  Then she can be used for her eggs and to incubate fetuses.  If this cannot work then we must take the women and put them in large walled-off tracts of land, they must be given ideal conditions to live in.  Once the older women who remember the old world die out the girls can be taken and raised in an isolated paradise where they know nothing of men usually.  They would be taught topics like math and science and given exercise tests to determine their eugenic value for the cause. If we cannot get rid of women, then we must put them in a cage they don't even know they are in.

13. Interracial relations.  Differences between groups often causes fighting and war and an inability to live together.  We are looking to create a world with groups who ever diverge from one another and become more and more different, regardless of the fact that they are incorporating other people's genes and cultures when they are deemed useful. First of all, a world of all gay men would be much less violent as we are naturally more civilized and agreeable. This civility however must not be given to heterosexuals as they must be wared upon, even if that war starts out in the non-physical.  However, interracial relations can be maintained by fetishizing interracial relationships and sex.  This is very common among homosexuals, homosexuals date interracially more than heterosexuals and interracial porn is very desired in the gay community.  This should however also lead to some blended races and cultures who establish their own hybrid families or nations. Interracial sex and relations will help maintain peace between different tribes and the creation of new hybrid families. 

14. Transhumanism and the creation of new species of humans.  In Raymond Cattell's vision of Beyondism, humans are to diverge from each other so much, using selective breeding and genetic engineering, so that they become different species.  More than one species will help keep higher consciousness alive should something happen which makes living conditions for humans untenable on earth (such as a deadly virus that wipes out all humans).  The species can be maintained in harmony the same way as the different races, through relationships and sex and the genetic splicing together of species which could not happen through normal egg implantation with a different species' sperm. 

15. Finding the conditions that make men gay.  There is likely some kind of biological component, genetic, epigenetic, hormonal or otherwise that leads to homosexuality.  These characteristics must be identified and amplified.  However, if there are environmental conditions that make men homosexual, these must also be implemented.  Boys born to the society before we have total control who are heterosexual would simply leave the fold and live normal lives.  Once there are no more women, men will have no option, and men who cannot live without women would commit suicide as they live in a world not made for them, just as gay men commit suicide often in a world made by heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals are inherently homophobic to one degree or another and so they are totally evil, and we must really have no compassion for them. 

16.  Newer laws aberrate older laws.  Instead of constantly editing this list with updates, new laws will be added that change old laws.  Newer laws in the list superseded older laws.  

17. Humanized animal wombs.  If artificial wombs are impossible, genetically engineering humanized animals such as pigs or cows or even apes should be investigated. 

18. The government (courts), and until when that is possible, individual homosexuals, should discourage supernatural thinking as the first choice.  A scientific worldview where there is no magic should be the first choice.  If the population cannot be cured of magical thinking then polytheistic or pluralistic religions should be invented by the laity and the courts to provide for this need of the people.  Our endeavor is scientific, it's about genes, biology, and the environment, we should try to focus our minds on this world... unless that is just not possible for most people. That being said, investigations should be made into the genetic basis of religion, are some people more prone to magical thinking than others? Does magical thinking help in any way?  Programs should be made to breed and genetically engineer a science-minded race, though the possibility of supernatural thinking being an aid to humanity must also be considered, and perhaps even polytheistic theistic thinking should be bred for. The creation of new humanoid species should include this kind of pondering, should they be theist or non-theist?  If it is found that society cannot progress without some sort of supernatural thinking, then simply manufacture appropriate religions and allow the few to accept scientific materialism. 

19. Freewill is unscientific thinking (quantum mechanics does not prove freewill).  Our mission is based on determinism, genetic determinism and environmental determinism.  We are seeking experiential elevation through physical and social refinement, and an increase in spectrum awareness. We are working like mechanists, assembling parts to get a specific outcome.  Freewill is not only unscientific but gets in the way of the idea that we are fated by genes and experience, which can be controlled. Science is about prediction and prediction is based upon determinism (there are physicists who believe the quantum level is deterministic, we just don't understand how). Without determinism, we see the end of science and the ability to make sure predictions, we also lose our belief that we have the power to take control of the universe by controlling the elements. We should be able to predict future outcomes based on how we have controlled the antecedents. A failure at accurate prediction or an inability to control outcomes is not proof the universe is not deterministic, it is simply proof that we don't have enough knowledge or control to precisely foresee and manage everything; you can't prove something is unpredictable by not predicting it. If a lack of Freewill makes the social system unstable, then allow the majority to believe it, but there should always be a cult of determinists, a population who believes in Freewill is not ideal. Inability to control or predict absolutely everything should not be a deterrent to keep trying.

20. Some of these instructions will be repetitive, this is to state them in different ways for different perspectives.  Also as the list grows it will become harder to remember what has been discussed as I don't have time to review the list every time I add to it. If there are contradictions the latter statement supersedes the first. 

21. The last law on the list is always to set up courts to enforce these laws and teach these ideas.  New laws are added to the list right before the last entry on courts and the number of the last law always changes depending on how many new laws were added.  If you are checking in on this list frequently, check the entries just before the last law on courts. 

22. No religions which state "god" cannot enter physical creation and god can only be pure spirit outside space and time.  To say god cannot enter physical material reality is anti-idolatry and disparaging of idolatry, it is part of the Noahide Laws.  If we are going to worship god then one good cult for us is to worship men and each other as god, to say god is man in flesh (man worship). Also, to keep god out of physical reality means that the physical universe cannot be uncreated, as god is uncreated, this enforces a magical creation of the universe. It also does not allow us to acknowledge if god is limited by physical reality, god can be fated just like we are.  Just because god is not all-powerful does not mean he does not have enough power to be our god and totally control our reality. If god is limited to physical laws, he created those physical laws and so created his own powers, and even if he did not create them, he is powerful enough, or at least fated to rule, seemingly without freewill (or freewill if it is absolutely necessary for the individual to believe this). If god can be limited but still worshiped and if you need to, feared, then man will be enough to be god 

23. Responsible and guided drug use. Drugs are a big part of gay culture. Drugs can be very helpful in expanding our consciousness, they may also help us bond sexually and socially.  But the overuse of drugs is a problem.  While drugs should be part of the culture, self-control should be emphasized.  Studies show that drugs and alcohol are abused less when their use is ritualized, taken at certain times under certain circumstances. Practices like this must be encouraged.  We must always be on the lookout for overindulgence of drugs and alcohol, it is a weakness in the community, but if properly used they can also be a boon. 

24. Reasonable disinhibition. Margaret Sanger was the founder of birth control and was a eugenicist, she wanted to change the genetic composition of the human race by slowing down the birthrates of certain classes; the desirable classes always bred slow, so if everyone bred slow, then the haves and have-nots would even out.  But Sanger was also a sexologist, she wanted people to be able to enjoy having sex without the fear of childbirth; she wanted people to feel free. Sanger had an idea that disinhibition, the letting go of fears and restraints, gave humans physical and psychological advancements. Unlimiting yourself allows you to move rapidly in your mind and in your body and opens up neural networks that are not usually used because we are so restrained.  Disinhibition in speech, thought, and action should be encouraged, within reason, to expand out abilities.  Be more truthful (unless it is just not a good idea at the time), say what you want, do what you want.  But there are limits usually.  If we are at war, we should become totally unrestrained in violence when we can, but unrestrained violence does not work in the street where we can get arrested. Sanger focused on sexual disinhibition; sex is one of the few places where we can indulge ourselves totally and not get into trouble. Go to sexual extremes to open up latent mental and physical powers. 

25. Taking over and also escaping the Seven Systems.  Carol Balizet was a nurse who turned against medicine and declared it witchcraft.  She then went on to start a home birthing ministry where children were born with no medical guidance which saw over 800 births. Balizet said that secular humanism was taking control of society through the Seven Systems: education, government, banking, religion, medicine, science, and entertainment.  She encouraged her followers to find ways to escape these systems and live outside of them.  We need to act as a cartel to take over the Seven Systems and more to better control and direct society for our ends.  We need to push out heterosexuals from control.  We need to make homophobes feel unsafe in the system so they drop out and try inadequate processes on their own. Taking over the Seven Systems includes all other systems as well, such as agriculture.  At the same time, we must create our own unique smaller systems, so that we have our own higher quality substance (homosexuals make everything higher quality).  For example, we should try to have our own schools to better prepare ourselves as unannounced elites and administrators of society, yet also control the public schools for indoctrination purposes. 

26. Semi-secrecy.  Until we are totally victorious, some if not most of us will have to work in secret, at least in the beginning.  There should always be open proud gay militants, these spread the word publically and act as visible leaders.  If you have the freedom and autonomy in your life to be open about it, do it.  However, at first, for most homosexuals, you will have to keep this secret or semi-secret, work quietly.  As the movement progresses we can become more and more open and public. 

27. Promote the idea that god is fully material and never resides outside space and time and may even be limited. If god is material it is understandable and can be perceived. If god is the physical universe then we ourselves are part of god and are god.  If god is limited to physical knowledge then we can become more and more like god if we learn more about science and if we practice eugenics and genetic engineering to expand our cognitive abilities and spectrum awareness. God can be limited to the laws of the universe because it did not create them because it is them and did not create itself, god and the universe are uncreated together. Here is a description of the Mormon god which may be helpful in explaining how we should present god:  The Mormon Concept of God - Although there is certainly disagreement among Mormon scholars concerning some precise points of doctrine, it is safe to say the LDS church currently teaches that God is, in effect, (1) limited in knowledge (not truly omniscient), power (not omnipotent), and being (not omnipresent or immutable); (2) one of many gods; (3) a corporeal (bodily) being, who physically dwells at a particular spatiotemporal location and is therefore not omnipresent like the biblical God (respecting His intrinsic divine nature-we are not considering the Incarnation of the Son of God here); and (4) a being who is subject to the laws and principles of a universe He did not create.

28. Even though the word "god" in the singular is often used in these descriptions, it is understood that god is many.

29. No pure immaterial idealism, no denying matter exists (no Eddy's Christian Science), and no suggestion that matter or the god of matter is evil.

30. This is a movement for cis gay men only, other LGBTQs are not part of this endeavor.  Bisexual men cannot be trusted either, they have too much affection for women.  This group is not for anyone trans, bi, or female.  Cis gay men have always been the number one target of heterosexual culture and religion, we are who they hate because we are unique and have the ability to shirk them if we try. 

31. Women may be the source of homophobia, and they are altogether evil. In ancient cultures, it was common for adult men to have sex with teenagers around the age of 16 or so.  These were during times when women had very little power.  However, history shows that women often complained about this competition.  Most bisexual men who sleep with teenage boys still want their wife, who would likely grow cold to him if she knew he had a younger male lover. A desire to maintain a woman's affection may have caused men to become secretive about homosexuality, at woman's complaint.  However, the problem with women goes deeper than this.  Women submitted to oppression from men all the way up until the industrial revolution when we became more civilized and men became softer and more liberal and gave her her freedom.  Women did not earn freedom, it was given to them.  Even with freedom, maybe 50% of women still submit to discrimination through their religious affiliation.  The majority of converts to Islam in Europe are women. When a free and liberated woman converts to Islam, here is what she will read in the Quran and agree to: Testimonies of 4 male witnesses are required to prove the rape of a female (Quran 24:13); A woman or girl who alleges rape without producing 4 male witnesses is guilty of adultery (Quran 24:4); A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives;  A man can beat his wife for insubordination (Quran 4:34); A woman's testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man's (Quran 2:282); A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits (Quran 4:11). If these laws were in reverse, men would never agree to them. No man on earth would accept these kinds of humiliating and degrading conditions.  Women have upheld heterosexual man's malignancy to others, most especially homosexual men, and she has done it as a willing slave... even when her chains are broken she chooses new ones of a foreign extraction.  Woman's subordination maintains the abusive character of heterosexuality and she enables the abuse of others through her submission to men. 

32. The word "Homosexist" can be used as a truncated and more understandable form of "gay militant". Sometimes I will refer to this movent ast "Homosexism" and its followers as "Homosexists". 

33. Secret and even open homosexists should incite eugenic thinking among bisexuals, lesbians, and trans people and try to promote them to breed.  In the beginning, we can have an alliance with these people to outbreed the heterosexuals. The eventual idea is all cis gay men but until that is possible we need all the help and genetic material we can get... if we can get daughters from Lesbian breeders then do it. 

34. No purposely taking on women's appearance or transexual body surgery. We should seek to remain men and not have anything to do with women, they are the ones who inadvertently make life hard, we should seek to keep femaleness out, sex with trans women (used to be men) can lead to heterosexuality. This is not to say that a man cannot be naturally more feminine in his mentality or gate than others, but that it should be a femininity encapsulated in the male body and not in stereotypical women's garb or body augmentations. This includes a ban on hormone replacement to become trans. 

35. If two men willingly without any reservation want to be monogamous then this is fine and their relationship should be respected and not interrupted, however in general polygamous relationships should be encouraged.  Because men and women have children when they have sex they must be careful who they have sex with and so they are naturally jealous of lovers. Jealousy is not a good trait to have in a society driven by eugenics and a desire to breed the best, not just breed them but enable them socially as well; Cattell warns much of jealousy. Recognizing that gay men are naturally more polygamous (because they are less jealous by nature) and making it a social institution would relieve much social stress.  Lasting relationships between groups of men would be encouraged as well, regardless as to whether they were having sex with people outside the relationship. Polygamous gay families would have more money and social ties than heterosexual monogamists and could start forming a wealthy and connected family elite.  They would also be able to breed in larger numbers (surrogates) and cheaper because it is done collectively; communal child rearing would make it easier to raise large numbers of children. 

36. Once a specific bloodline has been established through incestuous fertility and genetic engineering that line may be cloned once the technology is sound enough to implement. 

37. With polygamy established we may think of communal child-rearing. Heterosexual households with one man and one woman find rearing children to be too stressful, parents are often strung out and angry with their children, taking their frustrations of having their lives infringed upon out on their offspring.  If we raise children communally then teams may take shifts taking care of the children to alleviate the burden.  This can be done in large polygamous families where there are more than two adults or can be set up as a for-pay daycare (unless in the new world, money is no longer needed).  Parents do not necessarily need to be in a relationship together to communally raise their children together.  Communal child-rearing will allow gay men to balance a life of parenthood, work, and leisure, without becoming stressed out or sacrificing pleasures and opportunities in life.  If possible, certain men should dedicate their lives to child rearing and if possible they should be bred for this purpose with the proper temperament and conditioning inculcated in certain family bloodlines created for this purpose. 

38. Be charitable with other gay men, set up charities for struggling gay men, but make sure they have to do something for the cause to get those benefits.  Until we have full control of reproduction, heterosexuals should not be allowed to sink under the waves either, especially reproducing heterosexuals, but charity to heterosexuals is more strategic and is not the main focus unless they completely destroy everything before we are able to breed ourselves in numbers.  Make sure our own people are taken care of, even the worst-off of us; those in need of help sometimes turn out to be the best and most grateful workers for the cause.  Suicide of gay men should be prevented, even if they are in a terrible state, until after we have won control... struggling people have lots to offer, once we have a paradise those who are too sick to live in happiness anyway may take their own lives as they wish, but until then, charity, charity, charity. 

39. A fake alliance with women.  Gay men who are not as open about their homosexism need to create a breeding alliance between gay men and women. There should be no open homosexism in this, but an alliance between two minorities who are oppressed by straight men.  We want to lure women out of straight marriage and into surrogacy, where they can reproduce but also have their freedom.  Gay surrogacy with women should lead straight men to realize they should do the same and so further break down monogamous heterosexual unions, at least partially.  We don't want to totally destroy the straight breeding system as we don't know for how long we will be dependent upon it, in one instance we need to push for the breakdown of the heterosexual family with surrogacy programs, on the other hand, we want to encourage straight people who do choose marriage to breed, it is a balance. 

40. It was Nikola Tesla who said "“Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more”. Below are four groupings of personality traits broken into positives and negatives.  The homosexual is encouraged to adopt all the positive personality traits, even when they conflict (you can sometimes be passive and sometimes be bold) and generally avoid the negative traits unless it is situationally necessary like being "heavy-handed" when it is needed (as in war). You have to balance these traits in yourself with reason, knowing when to use the positive and when to use the negative, but generally the positive.  On the other hand, the homosexual should notice the negative traits are most associated with heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals often try to paint gay men with negative attributes, but it is really they who are in the personality deficit.  In general, on the grtoup level, you should view heterosexuals as having the negative qualities, unless you are fighting them as individuals and must admit their virtues so as to best determine how to defeat them. See list (here)

41. Collective breeding and childrearing.  Heterosexuals usually pair off in twos to breed children.  This system is very taxing on just two adults.  They have little time for themselves and easily become overwhelmed; this causes resentment and anger toward the children.  It is also highly unstable, two people in a relationship can fall out of love and divorce is the result. Nearly 50% of heterosexual marriages break up, it is an unstable system.  While polygamy is advanced here, polygamous love relationships should not be used for childrearing.  Child production and rearing needs to be done on a collective and industrial scale without the threat of emotions being involved.  Gay men need to form collectives to raise their children based upon worker contracts rather than love.  Large buildings should be purchased to house the children and shift workers who take care of them. While individual men and lovers would have their own homes, they could have their biological children over at times to spend individual time, but allowing them to receive collective care as well will reduce stress and disregard for the children.  More adults means more mitigation of negative traits the adults have in raising the children, it also increases socialization; many adults can also supervise each other to prevent abuse.

42. Homosexuals should seek to become the wealthiest and most educated people in the nation. 

43. Set up courts to administer all of these laws, promote positive commands (ie, push for artificial wombs), and punish transgressors of negative commands (ie. no murder).  The highest threshold of punishment would be death by any painless and fast method possible (ie. an oxygen deprivation chamber flooded with nitrogen).

These laws will be added to and specific by-laws will be created, but here is a simple plan to make the world a homosexual; paradise, because homosexuals will create a much better world for themselves, something close to a utopia, or at least as close as is possible.


  1. 1. Whether or not God exists, heterosexuals have the biological advantage over homosexuals since only heterosexual intercourse produces offspring.

    2. Homosexuals have the biological disadvantage of being unable to produce offspring through anal intercourse as well as also being both male and temperamentally unfit to nurture infants and children.

    3. Also, only one of the men in the "gay marriage" would be the actual parent of the offspring of the "gay marriage".

    4. Surrogacy is an expensive and complicated process.

    5. Artificial wombs are not easily produced.

    6. Even if they were, they would be easily destroyed by an overwhelming majority of determined Muslims and social conservatives.

    7. Polygamous Mormons eventually accepted the ultimatum made to them by monogamous Americans to give up their polygamy, or else.


Gay Militant - Table of Contents

Table of Contents Vincent Bruno Vincent.Bruno.1229@gmail.com The Laws of Gay Militancy The Ethics of Beyondism and Gay Militancy The threat ...