Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Gay Militant - Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Vincent Bruno

The Laws of Gay Militancy

The Ethics of Beyondism and Gay Militancy

The threat of haphazard heterosexual breeding

All straight people are a little homophobic, and so they are entirely evil, so take advantage

Homophobes represent the true essence of heterosexuality

Cis gay homosexists need to work with other LGBTQs in eugenics and straight replacement

Gay men need to change if they don't want to lose out to religious heterosexual reproduction

Gay man and the woman problem, what is to be done

What makes men gay? This needs to be figured out to create a homotopia

The four groupings of traits homosexuals need to either cultivate or avoid and how to think of heterosexuals 

Gay collective breeding and childrearing, an antidote to heterosexual monogamous households

Gay collective breeding and childrearing, an antidote to heterosexual monogamous households

  Table of Contents

Monogamous heterosexual childrearing is hard.  Two parents can hardly take care of several children without becoming overwhelmed and resentful.  The world has shown us that heterosexual monogamous marriages have left billions behind. Uncared for, under-loved, not enough individual time, money constraints, and other factors have created an uneducated and underperforming human race. People claim that the vision provided here is dystopian, but we already live in a dystopia, thousands of years of dystopia, all produced by heterosexuals. 

Homosexuals are now trying to replicate the two-family household by marrying monogamously and having or adopting children.  We don't want to replicate the heterosexual breeding system we want to improve on it.  First of all, love marriage is not a good way to produce children.  Love is fickle and is easily broken.   50% of all marriages end in divorce and it is nearly the same even for a second marriage.  People meet when they are depressed, drunk, desperate, and needy.  Humans do not make the best relationship choices as we can tell.  Homosexuals for the moment cannot breed without a woman, but because he must think this through he is not going to choose a woman he met and fell in love with.  No, he must look for a woman based on her eugenic value, he wants the best quality offspring.  Heterosexual unions are not based on producing a certain type of child but because the male and female feel affection for each other.  Heterosexuals don't wish to be bred like farm animals, but this is exactly what is needed.  The need for women will disappear however when the artificial womb and artificial human eggs are invented. 

Here we advocate for polygamous relationships, but when children are involved the union for raising that child should not be love but practicability.  Large facilities should be purchased where a gay man can go to hire out a woman to have his child.  Once the child is born the child can be housed in the facility with other children, taken home by its biological father at times.   Notice this is a child being raised on a contract, not on the love between two or three or four men.  Having a facility where the children are raised will allow gay men to have large numbers of children as individuals without sacrificing too much of their time or energy, less stress means less abuse.  The caretakers are chosen based on the best qualificiations to take care of children, not because the men are in love.  Love is for love and sex, contracts for raising are for child production for the homosexual. If many adults work together to raise the children, perhaps each individual's negative natures will be canceled out; groups tend to moderate one another.  Hopefully, this will reduce child abuse, especially since the children are being monitored in an organized fashion. 

Yet there is another aspect. One of the pillars of this program is Beyondism.  The idea of straining the human race into different races with unique cultures so that each socio-gene pool can be observed and the best traits absorbed from other groups.  We want tight genetic and culture monocultures.  Raymond Cattell believed this should be done on a national level, but here is advocated doing it on a much smaller scale.  Through careful incestuous breeding and genetic engineering, a type of breed of human can be produced with specific physical and mental characteristics.  You want these children to be uniform, clones of one another.  Then a specific culture tailored to their needs is created out of the spontaneous generation of the culture produced by the parents and children based upon their mental and physical needs.  If children are raised collectively, a uniform culture can be granted to them, so that they are not only biologically alike, but are socialized in the same exact way.  We want carbon copies of types, this will make it easier to identify traits that run  in bloodlines and will make hybridization more predictable.  

Imagine a family where all are alike, where there are less clashes between siblings and parents/care workers.  Cultures that are extremely diverse internally tend to have problems because the people don't think the same or have the same needs.   Small monocultures with standardized breed types could work together more harmoniously.  At the same time, different genetic-cultural families should be produced, all diverging from one another in many ways.  We need different types in order to observe and find the best methods for breeding and childrearing. 

Gay Militant - Table of Contents

Table of Contents Vincent Bruno The Laws of Gay Militancy The Ethics of Beyondism and Gay Militancy The threat ...