Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Gay Militant - Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Vincent Bruno

The Laws of Gay Militancy

The Ethics of Beyondism and Gay Militancy

The threat of haphazard heterosexual breeding

All straight people are a little homophobic, and so they are entirely evil, so take advantage

Homophobes represent the true essence of heterosexuality

Cis gay homosexists need to work with other LGBTQs in eugenics and straight replacement

Gay men need to change if they don't want to lose out to religious heterosexual reproduction

Gay man and the woman problem, what is to be done

What makes men gay? This needs to be figured out to create a homotopia

The four groupings of traits homosexuals need to either cultivate or avoid and how to think of heterosexuals 

Gay collective breeding and childrearing, an antidote to heterosexual monogamous households

Gay collective breeding and childrearing, an antidote to heterosexual monogamous households

  Table of Contents

Monogamous heterosexual childrearing is hard.  Two parents can hardly take care of several children without becoming overwhelmed and resentful.  The world has shown us that heterosexual monogamous marriages have left billions behind. Uncared for, under-loved, not enough individual time, money constraints, and other factors have created an uneducated and underperforming human race. People claim that the vision provided here is dystopian, but we already live in a dystopia, thousands of years of dystopia, all produced by heterosexuals. 

Homosexuals are now trying to replicate the two-family household by marrying monogamously and having or adopting children.  We don't want to replicate the heterosexual breeding system we want to improve on it.  First of all, love marriage is not a good way to produce children.  Love is fickle and is easily broken.   50% of all marriages end in divorce and it is nearly the same even for a second marriage.  People meet when they are depressed, drunk, desperate, and needy.  Humans do not make the best relationship choices as we can tell.  Homosexuals for the moment cannot breed without a woman, but because he must think this through he is not going to choose a woman he met and fell in love with.  No, he must look for a woman based on her eugenic value, he wants the best quality offspring.  Heterosexual unions are not based on producing a certain type of child but because the male and female feel affection for each other.  Heterosexuals don't wish to be bred like farm animals, but this is exactly what is needed.  The need for women will disappear however when the artificial womb and artificial human eggs are invented. 

Here we advocate for polygamous relationships, but when children are involved the union for raising that child should not be love but practicability.  Large facilities should be purchased where a gay man can go to hire out a woman to have his child.  Once the child is born the child can be housed in the facility with other children, taken home by its biological father at times.   Notice this is a child being raised on a contract, not on the love between two or three or four men.  Having a facility where the children are raised will allow gay men to have large numbers of children as individuals without sacrificing too much of their time or energy, less stress means less abuse.  The caretakers are chosen based on the best qualificiations to take care of children, not because the men are in love.  Love is for love and sex, contracts for raising are for child production for the homosexual. If many adults work together to raise the children, perhaps each individual's negative natures will be canceled out; groups tend to moderate one another.  Hopefully, this will reduce child abuse, especially since the children are being monitored in an organized fashion. 

Yet there is another aspect. One of the pillars of this program is Beyondism.  The idea of straining the human race into different races with unique cultures so that each socio-gene pool can be observed and the best traits absorbed from other groups.  We want tight genetic and culture monocultures.  Raymond Cattell believed this should be done on a national level, but here is advocated doing it on a much smaller scale.  Through careful incestuous breeding and genetic engineering, a type of breed of human can be produced with specific physical and mental characteristics.  You want these children to be uniform, clones of one another.  Then a specific culture tailored to their needs is created out of the spontaneous generation of the culture produced by the parents and children based upon their mental and physical needs.  If children are raised collectively, a uniform culture can be granted to them, so that they are not only biologically alike, but are socialized in the same exact way.  We want carbon copies of types, this will make it easier to identify traits that run  in bloodlines and will make hybridization more predictable.  

Imagine a family where all are alike, where there are less clashes between siblings and parents/care workers.  Cultures that are extremely diverse internally tend to have problems because the people don't think the same or have the same needs.   Small monocultures with standardized breed types could work together more harmoniously.  At the same time, different genetic-cultural families should be produced, all diverging from one another in many ways.  We need different types in order to observe and find the best methods for breeding and childrearing. 

Sunday, February 4, 2024

The four groupings of traits homosexuals need to either cultivate or avoid and how to think of heterosexuals

 Table of Contents

It was Nikola Tesla who said "“Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more”. Below are four groupings of personality traits broken into positives and negatives.  The homosexual is encouraged to adopt all the positive personality traits, even when they conflict (you can sometimes be passive and sometimes be bold) and generally avoid the negative traits unless it is situationally necessary like being "heavy-handed" when it is needed (as in war). You have to balance these traits in yourself with reason, knowing when to use the positive and when to use the negative, but generally the positive.  On the other hand, the homosexual should notice the negative traits are most associated with heterosexuals.  Heterosexuals often try to paint gay men with negative attributes, but it is really they who are in the personality deficit.  In general, on the group level, you should view heterosexuals as having the negative qualities, unless you are fighting them as individuals and must admit their virtues so as to best determine how to defeat them. 


Water Traits

broody , delicate , doleful , escapist , fanciful , fragile , frail , gushy , huffy , hypersensitive , hysterical , impressionable , indolent , introverted , lazy , maudlin , melancholic , mopish , moody , morose , narcissistic , overemotional , overrefined , petulant , passive , sulky , sullen , temperamental , thin-skinned , touchy , vapory , waspish , wishy-washy

aesthetic , affectionate , agreeable , amiable , benevolent , calm , caring , compassionate , concerned , considerate , diplomatic , dreamy , emotional , empathetic , forbearing , gentle , good-hearted , gracious , healing , humane , imaginative , inner , intimate , introspective , intuitive , joyful , kind , loving , mellow , merciful , mild , nice , pacific, patient , peaceful , perceptive , psychic , quiet , refined , responsive , romantic , sensitive , soft , spiritual , subjective , sweet , sympathetic , telepathic , tenderhearted , tolerant , understanding , wise

Fire Traits

abstruse , aloof , arrogant , autocratic , biting , blunt , cold , condescending , controlling , cool , critical , cutting , detached , distant , dogmatic , domineering , high-handed , imperious , insensitive , intolerant , judgmental , opinionated , overbearing , overintellectualizing , patronizing , remote , standoffish , thoughtless , unaffectionate , unfeeling , unresponsive , unsparing

analytical , articulate , astute , authoritative , clearheaded , clever , dignified , direct , discerning , dispassionate , equitable , ethical , evenhanded , forthright , frank , honest , honorable , impartial , incisive , intellectual , just , keen-minded , knowledgeable , learned , literate , logical , lucid , magisterial , mental , moral , objective , observant , outspoken , penetrating , perspicacious , quick-witted , rational , reasonable , smart , trenchant , truthful , unbiased , unprejudiced , well-informed , witty

Air Traits

aggressive , brash , cocky , dare-devilish , devil-may-care , foolhardy , hasty , headstrong , heedless , hot-headed , hot-tempered , impatient , impetuous , impulsive , imprudent , incautious , irresponsible , nervy , overconfident , overzealous , precipitous , presumptuous , rash , reckless , restless , rootless , self-absorbed , superficial , thoughtless , unprepared

adventurous , aggressive , ardent , attractive , audacious , avid , bold , brave , buoyant , charismatic , charming , cheerful , confident , courageous , creative , daring , eager , ebullient , energetic , enthusiastic , exuberant , extroverted , fiery , forceful , heroic , inspiring , intrepid , inventive , magnetic , optimistic , original , outgoing , passionate , risk-taking , self-assured , self-confident , undaunted , valiant , wholehearted

Earth Traits

bullheaded , colorless , compulsive , conventional , drab , gloomy , grim , grinding , hardheaded , humorless , inflexible , intractable , intransigent , materialistic , mulish , obdurate , obsessive , obstinate , ordinary , overcautious , overorganized , pedestrian , perfectionistic , pertinacious , pessimistic , pigheaded , prim , prosaic , rigid , staid , stiff , stiff-necked , stodgy , stubborn , timid , unadventurous , unbending , uncompromising , unexciting , unimaginative , unquestioning , unromantic , unspontaneous , unyielding, 

able , adept , adroit , assiduous , bighearted , capable , careful , cautious , competent , concrete , conscientious , constant , dependable , determined , dogged , down-to-earth , efficient , enterprising , factual , firm , generous , handy , hardworking , industrious , loyal , magnanimous , meticulous , nurturing , orderly , organized , painstaking , persevering , practical , productive , proficient , prudent , realistic , reliable , resolute , resourceful , responsible , sensible , skillful , solid        stable , stalwart , staunch , steadfast , steady , sturdy , supporting , tenacious , thorough , trusting , trustworthy , unwavering

Thursday, February 1, 2024

What makes men gay? This needs to be figured out to create a homotopia

Table of Contents

What makes men gay?  Gay men report knowing they were gay as young as 5 years old.  Homophobes say that most gay boys are gay because they were raped.  The idea that most gay men were raped as children is absurd.  They may also blame it on an accidental site of pornography as a young child, or will blame the parents for somehow failing the gay child in some way or another, resulting in psychological abnormalities.  

The truth is that homosexuality is both naturally occurring but can likely also be induced and amplified.  So what is the natural part.  Homophobes say that no gay gene has ever been found.  Found... as in not yet... as in it can still happen.  One way to test the question of whether homosexuality is genetic is to breed only gay men into the bloodlines for generations and see if more boys come out gay.  Gay men often avoid reproduction so almost no child on earth has come from a long line of homosexuals, we don't know what affect that would have.  It could also be hormonal, something in the mother that is controlled by her DNA, perhaps a womb environment can be the cause. 

But then there is the question of induced homosexuality.  In a heterosexual homophobic system, most children will only see a man and a woman kissing and touching and implying they have sex together.  Heterosexually induced sexual stimulation is all they know and is reinforced.  In a family with two fathers or multiple fathers and surround by a gay culture, boys would have gay sexual role models and visions.  While this does not insure the child will be gay, it likely elevates their tendency to be gay.  This is why heterosexuals don't like their children seeing men kiss or hold hands in public, it could affect them.  

Homophobia needs to be flushed out of society, and once no one is scared to be out, we will see that many more men than admit it are gay and even more are bisexual.  The more men that come out of the closet the more men will come out of the closet.  We need to make a plethora of homosexual choice.  This will help grow out numbers, as long as they start breeding.  Once enough of us are gay or bisexual, we can try to persuade the creation if female colonies and another all-male homotopia. 

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Gay man and the woman problem, what is to be done

  Table of Contents

Many people blame straight men for homophobia, as they tend to be the most bellicose and biting about it, but few realize that it is likely women who are the cause of homophobia.  We know that in primitive times many men are bisexual and sleep with both women and young adult males.  Before women get rights, they have to tolerate this situation and the competition from teenage males; this was common in ancient Greece.  If men are in control, this is the way it goes along, but as soon as women get a say, they make it known they don't want their husbands sleeping with other men.  In ancient times at least, men wanted children, and that meant giving their wives preference over their male lovers, so when the women became powerful enough to make an issue out of their homosexual endeavors, the men gave it up.  A young homosexual man can find a supposedly "straight" married man to sleep with any day of the week, gay dating apps are literally drenched with men married to women who are looking for gay sex on the side.  If there were no need to keep women quiet so that their wombs may be used, I suspect that many if not more than 50% of men would be bisexual to some degree or another. Men are not fully expressing their latent homosexuality because they want to please women who they need for reproduction.  Secrecy and adultery with other men has become the staple of the so-called "straight" married man, this is a disgusting situation and is not fair to the man, to the woman, or to gay men in general.  

The problem with women goes deeper than this though.  Most converts in Europe to Islam are women.  Islam limits women in ways that men would never accept if the stakes were in reverse.  Women in droves willingly enter misogynistic religions that demand they are lesser, they uphold these religions with their subservience and the service of their wombs, and they do this with desire.  The other percentage of women who do not enter into these anti-woman cults, nonetheless make excuses for these cults and their practitioners. In the West today it is not common for feminists to attack Islam as being anti-feminist, instead much effort is put in by women to rehabilitate the image of Islam as being pro-woman and a force for women's rights.  If 50% of women convert to anti-female cults, the other 50% make excuses for them and legitimize their choice.  Women naturally cave into oppression, if someone comes up with something that is oppressive of women, women will join it.  Women cannot be trusted to preserve their own freedom and so they are dangerous because they allow themselves to become the wombs of illiberal movements.  Women uphold straight male abuse by tolerating and submitting to it, and they generally submit the most to the most brutal regiments against them.  The worse the man, the more woman will give of herself to him.  Women thus make sure the worst of the men stay in power.  Women shun the nice guy who gives her power and freedom and run into the arms of the religionist who abuses her.  Being kind and open with women is a death sentence for society as as soon as they get the freedom they stop breeding in numbers and only seek to open the gate to anti-woman barbarians. Anti-female and anti-gay are often linked, and so woman's foolishness in courting misogynistic powers is paid for by gay men as well. 

Without women, at least in our age, there is no reproduction and no next generation.  Women know this and hold it against society.  All they need to do to destroy society is to stop breeding and allow non-feminist cultures to move in. At this time, the idea of dislodging women from power is untenable, at least not immediately.  The agenda is eventually a woman-free world where children are born of artificial wombs and artificial eggs.  But that will take some time to invent.  So what do we do as gay men in the meanwhile, gay men who wish to reproduce and gain reproductive control over society?  First, we have to realize that except for the brave few, most gay men should not openly go around saying they want to replace women and make an all-male society.  Instead, we should be seeking out women and surrogates for our children.  We don't need to tell them what we are doing or why, we just need to purchase their wombs.  We also need to encourage women in feminist societies where there are gay rights and liberal culture to start reproducing again, even though the gains in this direction will be little because women with freedom want to do other things besides reproduce, however, still every little bit helps.  Gay men who are hiding the fact that they are homosexists should make alliances with women to form a female-gay coalition to breed... giving women the opportunity to be cared-for mothers without the need to submit to a straight man. Generally, gay men and women are on good rapport because we are both persecuted minorities and so a breeding allegiance could be made on this... a chance for women to have families while still remaining single. We must induct them into a cult to outbreed straight men, the prospect of a more female-friendly world needs to be offered. 

In the end, women are very dangerous.  They make poor choices that limit their freedom and prop up conservative traditionalist institutions, and even when they are liberal, they always have some way to explain away the malevolent behavior of those who oppress women.  If things were left up to women, liberal people would all stop breeding until the conservatives took over and imposed their anti-gay regime.  Women's wombs need to be rented out, there is really no other way to pick up the birth rate, women with freedom usually don't want fecundity unless they have submitted to a subjugating cult.  Gay men need to find ways to navigate women so that those who can be manipulated are used for our cause. If gay men start renting out women's wombs, then perhaps straight men who can't control them any longer will do the same, and thus we can mainstream non-traditional breeding systems.  Women should be shown that they can make a lot of money and have a lot of power by simply selling their wombs rather than getting married. 

The ultimate goal again is to phase women out with scientific replacement wombs and eggs, but also it needs to be stated that these technologies might never happen and so plans must be set on how to manage women as things progress. For now, we need to get the whole society into womb renting, gay men and straight men, to break down the heterosexual monogamous family order. However, once we find a way to gain greater power then women will have to be separated from men in some way, in their own colonies, so as to prevent heterosexuality and woman's general influence... once this is all possible with our greater numbers through breeding.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Gay men need to change if they don't want to lose out to religious heterosexual reproduction

 Table of Contents

In 99% of the cases, heterosexuals have all the procreative power.  This does not need to be the fact though.  It is easy for heterosexuals to breed, all they need to do is go out to a bar, get drunk, and go home together and they have a baby, or just simply have any kind of sex whatsoever, married or unmarried, planned or unplanned, willingly or through rape. It is this present condition, that heterosexuals have babies just by having sex, that makes heterosexuals so powerful and dangerous.  Heterosexual reproduction is thoughtless and not systematic, unplanned children are born all the time and there is no such thing as a selection process, any man can take any woman and get her pregnant, that is not selective breeding but breeding based upon base desire and emotion.  Heterosexuals breed because they desire each other, not because they are trying to create a certain kind of human being, eugenics is not the main objective of heterosexuality. 

Gay men can have kids, but most times they don't.  Why is this?  Are gay men actually happy they have no kids?  Do gay men like the freedom of being non-parents?  Would gay men rather focus on their careers and hobbies than raise children?  What if the answer to this is yes?  That would be very bad for gay men as this would mean we have no motivation to reproduce even when we can do things like get surrogates.  Also, if gay men don't want children generally, then why would they want to build artificial wombs and create artificial eggs as is proposed on this site? If there is no deep yearning to reproduce, then homosexuals will forever remain a powerless minority who have no place in shaping the biological and social destiny of the human race and who will eventually be outbred by prolific religious groups who hate them.  If gay men do not naturally want children, then that needs to change, and there needs to be a purposeful conscious awakening among gay men to reproduce, even if it is against their natural desires.  A prompted gay purposeful breeding is better than willed straight random haphazard breeding. 

Gay men are often liberal and I am sure that many promote the idea of a low birthrate among the liberal heterosexuals who have given them freedoms.  But gay men obviously have less influence over homophobes who will breed in large numbers despite what the gay man says is his environmentally friendly advice. If you are preaching a message of a low birthrate, only heterosexuals sympathetic to liberal causes like gay marriage will listen, the promotion of a low birth rate seems logical, but it only hurts gays as it is only the liberals who stop breeding.  Also, if gay men want to breed they should also want to breed in large numbers, not in small numbers, we must compete with the enemies.  Homophobes blame low straight birthrates on gays because they say that heterosexuals are trying to copy and compete with gays and their dual-income no children households and lifestyle.  It's not our fault that straight people stop breeding because it is too hard, but if we are setting an example then we better set a good one and breed faster than they are. 

But what about the gay lifestyle?  Don't gay men like lots of entertainment and vacations and nice clothes and fancy restaurants?  Isn't the stereotypical gay lifestyle hard to maintain with children?  Yes, it is!  Gay men need to become more simple, sex is free so that need not go, but yes, maybe we don't need as much fashion or as much art or as much fine dining or as many vacations.  Not that we need to be acultural brutes, I am not saying live in a stoic environment, but yes, some sacrifices must be made.  However, as is being promoted here, polygamy and collective child-rearing will make it easier for gays to have children but also a vibrant lifestyle.  Having children watched in numbers by a few adults allows the other adults to go out to work and play much more often than what happens in a monogamous heterosexual household.  While we do need to adjust, a polygamous collective-child-rearing lifestyle would mean we don't need to sacrifice too much, so we can balance reproduction and happiness, which heterosexuals are unable to do. 

Gay men may not be psychologically programmed to reproduce, but that does not mean they need to lose the fight for reproduction.  Heterosexuals pair off to procreate, but gay reproduction must be a group effort.  Gay men must work as collectives to reproduce, with more money and more manpower and the ability to buy more wombs until artificial ones are produced. Reproduction for gays must be organized, systematic, and industrial... in comparison, the straight way must seem slow, burdensome, eventually more expensive, and taxing on the parents.  The idea that the work of child-rearing may be too much for gay men may actually help us out.  We don't want to do it the old way, so we must innovate and come up with something new... the fact that we don't do it the natural way may lead to creativity that will allow us to outbreed the heterosexuals.  Unnature is our ally. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Cis gay homosexists need to work with other LGBTQs in eugenics and straight replacement

  Table of Contents

Cis gay men have always been the main target of homophobia, more so then lesbians and even trans which until recently was rare enough not to be felt like a threat, the main hatred has always been directed at the most capable of replacing straight people, cis gay men.  This is a cis gay man's movement, we are not open to bisexuals, lesbians, trans, or non-binary; however, we can work with these groups when in disguise and manipulate them for our own ends... we should seek indirect control of them so our influence among LGBTQs generally is not noticed and resented. 

Lesbians can be very useful in a eugenics program, like gay men they must think before procreating every single time since they don't do it the natural way, so there are no accidental children.  And as she needs to think the lesbian might as well choose the best sperm possible, without being veered by emotions, love, circumstances, drugs, alcohol, or settling. Lesbians can pair up or form groups to raise these children so there would be plenty of money, and each of the women can get pregnant so they can reproduce quickly.  Enticing women into lesbian eugenics would be very helpful to us in creating not only good genetic material but also eating away at the straight reproduction method and gradually making society more gay-friendly.  

Many men, while pretty much heterosexual, can go for a beautiful trans woman.  Many men leave their wives for trans women.  We need to promote trans women, instead of focusing on getting a gay man, getting a straight man to take him out of straight society (as long as he is willing to be seduced, don't do it if they are not).  Trans are the bridge to getting straight men on our side.  However reproduction must be coupled with this, and so with their dual income, straight-trans couples need to hire surrogates to have their children. Choose the best, you are buying here, not having a love relationship, let your desire to breed a better race be your guide, not how interested you personally are in the woman. 

Bisexuals I guess are easy to deal with since they can get pregnant naturally and raise their children in any way possible.  Bisexuals would be harder to get to engage in eugenics as they have emotional relationships in their straight relationships and can get pregnant by accident or because of negative circumstances.  Many people are bisexuals, we need to encourage bisexuals to come out of the closet to make society more open for gays and gay reproduction and relationships.  

LGBTQs need to increase their reproduction to take over, it needs to be a conscious effort. We must compete with heterosexual reproduction in any way we can.  Heterosexual reproduction is already low because of birth control and feminism, so we must outpace them.  Heterosexuals when they have freedom (birth control), fail to maintain a large positive birth rate, because they don't want many children because it is hard to take care of them paired off as a couple, this rather than as a community. They cannot live in freedom and survive, women will eventually be reenslaved again once society begins to collapse and another dark age will be upon us.  For now we should encourage and increased birth rate among heterosexuals to get genetic material until we can take over. 

Gay Militant - Table of Contents

Table of Contents Vincent Bruno The Laws of Gay Militancy The Ethics of Beyondism and Gay Militancy The threat ...